Nude In The Landscape Masterclass with Mark de Paola: BIG SUR JULY 19-20 2025

BY APPLICATION ONLY (See details below)

Tuition: $1600.00


Join Mark de Paola for a “Nude In The Landscape” masterclass in Big Sur, California to experience the process of capturing timeless fine art nude photographs July 9 and 10, 2024. Master photographer and director Mark de Paola is inviting a small group of photographers to delve deep into his fine art thought process from conception to realization over two days.This shooting intensive master workshop is designed for creative portrait or landscape photographers interested in exploring new ways to capture portraits and nudes within the landscape.




  • Classical vs. Unconventional Composition

  • Using Lighting, Shape and Form to Create a Narrative and Mood.

  • Visualization

  • Posing and Collaboration

  • What is a timeless image?

  • Taking a picture vs. creating a fine art photograph.


More than just a technical or how to masterclass, participants will be asked to consider their own goals and motivations as photographers. The class will be encouraged to explore how a form may represent or depict strength, poise, movement, or a frame of personality. We will look back to the history of fine art for inspiration, exploring the use of the human figure as a subject and collaborator. De Paola’s career and real-life experience over the past two decades creating projects from Vogue covers to Gucci campaigns and his transition into Fine Art photography with exhibitions in Los Angeles, New York City, Boston, Dali, China and Tokyo will be a valuable part of our formal and informal conversations. Mark’s vast and comprehensive experience with Leica cameras and optics, especially the 50mm Noctilux, will serve as a point of inspiration throughout the weekend. The iconic photographer’s landscape of Big Sur will provide the backdrop for this one-of-a kind-opportunity to be both challenged and guided creatively by de Paola.



  • All materials, model/collaborator fees, personalized instruction, production, and lectures

  • Group and private portfolio review with Mark de Paola

  • Opportunity to create new images for your portfolio with professional fine art collaborators

  • Lunch each day



Please await notification of your application status upon submission. Should you receive an acceptance email, you will receive tuition registration information at that time. Application status notifications and registrations are sent on a rolling basis. 


The Nude In The Landscape July 2025 program application requirements are:

  • Your goals for the course/Letter of Intent
  • Brief artist biography
  • 20-25 image portfolio



Whether you are currently a working pro, or a dedicated novice with an interest in fine art nude or landscape photography, you will gain much from this experience. 



Enrollment is limited to only 6 participants. Lodging is not included, but a list of recommended hotels will be provided.